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June 2018 Boating News

Gillian Nahum
June 21, 2018

As springs morphs into summer, the river is coming alive with brio and for whatever reason buyers are returning to the market with enthusiasm. Needless to say, we are happy.

Business is booming!

"Cuthbert" glowing in the morning sun
"Cuthbert" glowing in the morning sun

The first weekend of June saw us split into two camps with Adrian at Fawley Hill’s Décor-Architectural fair (formerly Salvo) where he showed three electrified boats: a Thames camping punt, the 12ft "Cuthbert" and "Pavoncella" ("lapwing" in Italian).

Some of the eccentric boaters spotted on the lake during the boat show.
Some of the eccentric boaters spotted on the lake during the boat show.

While he baked in the sunshine in the hills above Henley, we roasted by the lake at Beale Park. On the lake was the usual mix of eccentricity characterised by The Water Craft Makita Cordless Canoe Challenge, as well as a fabulous turn out by The Thames Vintage Boat Club membership and a smattering of steamboats.

A Fantail 217
A Fantail 217

While we watched from our pontoon, E-Boatique signed up four new electric boaters, selling three Mayfly 16s (see photo at the top of this newsletter) and a Fantail 217

In addition to the new builds, we have also sold "Sans Peur", "Arabella", "Lady Myrtle" and "Eglantine". Good news for both vendors and purchasers. 

New boats are coming in for brokerage on a regular basis so please register your interest with us either by phone or email so as not to miss out if your dreamboat comes our way.

Don't miss the upcoming auction

Some readers may remember our 2014 boat auction during the Beale Park Boat Show where we collaborated successfully with Special Auction Services from Newbury. 

What became apparent after the auction was that the ephemera was a total sell out, the smaller boats and indeed a few “projects” sold relatively easily as well, while anything more substantial either didn’t sell at all, or sold subsequent to the auction once a survey had been carried out. 

Based on these findings we are trying a new format this year, which we hope will add to the excitement of the Thames Traditional Boat Festival (July 20th-22nd).

One of the enamel signs up for grabs in the auction (left) - This remote controlled Riva undoubtedly will sell fast as well (right)
One of the enamel signs up for grabs in the auction (left) - This remote controlled Riva undoubtedly will sell fast as well (right)

This year’s Transport Auction includes nautical, aviation, motoring and cycling models, toys and ephemera as well as some attractive boats all under £10,000. Viewing will take place on site at the TTBF over the weekend with the auction taking place the following week (July 24th) at SAS headquarters in Newbury. 

For a quick preview of some of the lot which will go under the hammer you can check out the Transport Auction online catalogue and register to bid..

A Broom Rapier MK II as she was (right) and as she is now "Piccolo" (left)
A Broom Rapier MK II as she was (right) and as she is now "Piccolo" (left)

Some of the auction lots (such as “Piccolo” a high speed 2-seater) are already with us at Beale Park boat store. If anything in particular appeals to you do come along for a preview.

Entertain in style

"Tarbes II" moored and patiently waiting for a new owner to fall in love with her.
"Tarbes II" moored and patiently waiting for a new owner to fall in love with her.

If you are thinking of attending the Thames Traditional Boat Festival this year, it is not too late to buy yourself a splendid gentleman’s launch on which to entertain your friends in style. "Tarbes II" is now afloat after her winter refit. The interior of this boat will transport you in a trice back to 1931 when “Sunny Morn”, as she was then called, was launched by the Brooke Marine Boat Yard in Lowestoft.

Timelessly elegant "Lisbeth"
Timelessly elegant "Lisbeth"

Alternatively if you would prefer an authentic electric saloon launch, “Lisbeth”, built in 1953 by Borwicks of Windermere, has just come onto the market. 

Lisbeth” was built to carry passengers around a lake in Lancashire but as the lake sprung a leak she eventually ended up sitting on the bottom inside her boathouse. 

Still licensed to carry 49 passengers plus crew and thanks to an elaborate salvage operation, she then went to a commercial operator on the Bridgewater Canal. 

In the end she was put up for sale and then purchased by a riparian owner on the Thames, who instructed Stanley & Thomas Boat Builders to refit the interior and to build a new cabin.

Beautifully decked out "Lady Genevieve"
Beautifully decked out "Lady Genevieve"
A party in full swing on "Archangel"
A party in full swing on "Archangel"

We are delighted to be able to offer a total of four historic saloon launches for ladies, or gentlemen, who like to entertain and may even wish to spend the odd night on board. Besides “Tarbes II” and “Lisbeth”, “Lady Genevieve” and “Archangel” are also ready to get stuck into the new season and are therefore looking for keen new owners.

Will you cruise the rivers this summer?

"Cera" - a beautiful mid-century centre cockpit cabin cruiser
"Cera" - a beautiful mid-century centre cockpit cabin cruiser

As our thoughts turn to holidays it might be worth considering enjoying the British summer here in the UK on board your very own mini-motor yacht.

"Lysbeth" - a charming traditional mahogany on oak Thames built cruiser
"Lysbeth" - a charming traditional mahogany on oak Thames built cruiser
"Pindaric" - a converted naval pinnace
"Pindaric" - a converted naval pinnace

Whether your budget is £20,000 or £50,000+ there is sure to be a cabin launch or motor yacht to suit your needs on our books.

"Ferry Nymph" - a Dunkirk Little Ship
"Ferry Nymph" - a Dunkirk Little Ship

You may of course prefer to cruise from one hotel to another; in which case what about a weekender like “Osprey” or “Little Seagull”?

"Osprey" - A Storebro Bergo weekender
"Osprey" - A Storebro Bergo weekender
"Little Seagull" - A 2 berth carvel cruiser
"Little Seagull" - A 2 berth carvel cruiser

The obvious advantage of the latter over an open launch is the availability of an on board loo!

Time to relax and get the "slippers" out

"Zest" (left) and "Elden Voyage" - An electric slipper launch with a GRP hull (right)
"Zest" (left) and "Elden Voyage" - An electric slipper launch with a GRP hull (right)

For day boaters there is nothing like the feel of the wind in your hair as you sip Champagne while cheering for your favourite crew at one of the summer’s regattas.

"Blighty" - An Andrews slipper stern launch
"Blighty" - An Andrews slipper stern launch
"Jayfor" - Another Andrews slipper stern launch
"Jayfor" - Another Andrews slipper stern launch
"Hennerton Queen" - The third Andrews slipper stern launch on our books
"Hennerton Queen" - The third Andrews slipper stern launch on our books
"Viceroy" - (You guessed it!) An Andrews slipper stern launch
"Viceroy" - (You guessed it!) An Andrews slipper stern launch

If you are quick you still have time to select a stunning slipper launch from which to watch Henley Women’s Regatta this coming weekend.

"La Vie en Rose" - A Woottens' slipper launch
"La Vie en Rose" - A Woottens' slipper launch

How rowing changed one woman's life dramatically

Henley Women’s Regatta has grown dramatically in the past few years thanks to a dedicated committee. It has a less formal atmosphere than its male counterpart all the while guaranteeing some exciting racing.

Lucy Pocock training for the sculling championship (right) and participating in the race (left)
Lucy Pocock training for the sculling championship (right) and participating in the race (left)

On the subject of women in rowing, did you know that in 1912 Lucy Pocock won a women’s sculling race on the tideway sponsored by the Daily Mirror?

A hugh crowd gathered to watch the race
A hugh crowd gathered to watch the race

A huge crowd estimated to be around 25,000 people crowded on the riverbank to watch.

Lucy Pocock after winning the Sculling Championship in 1912
Lucy Pocock after winning the Sculling Championship in 1912

Lucy was from a boating family and her height (she was 6ft) and determination won her not only the trophy but also enough prize money for her to pay for herself and her father to join her brothers in Seattle, where they had emigrated a couple of years previously.

Newspaper clippings related to her appointment as rowing coach at Washington State University (left & right) - Lucy with her two children later in life (centre)
Newspaper clippings related to her appointment as rowing coach at Washington State University (left & right) - Lucy with her two children later in life (centre)

Once established in Washington State she became engaged as a rowing and swimming coach for the women of the university of Washington. 

This remarkable story, the research and photos related to it, are courtesy of Lisa Taylor PhD researcher from the Metropolitan University of Manchester (in collaboration with the River & Rowing Museum).

Not ready to own a boat just yet?

A family and their dog enjoying a drive with one of PureBoatings electric boats
A family and their dog enjoying a drive with one of PureBoatings electric boats

You can of course enjoy being on the water for an hour (or a day) at a time by using a day boat hire service instead of purchasing a vessel of your own. 

Our sister company PureBoatingoperates from The Boathouse in Wallingford. The kiosk is now manned 7 days/week in daylight hours and we are delighted to welcome back David and Tio to work alongside Adrian this season. 

If you are thinking you may want to take a boat out on a weekend, please make sure you book well in advance, as weekends are extremely busy this time of year.

PureBoating's very own "George" has been sent up north to The Barns hotel in Bedford.
PureBoating's very own "George" has been sent up north to The Barns hotel in Bedford.

We also sent an electric day boat up to The Barns hotel in Bedford. "George" is enjoying his summer sojourn there.

The Barns hotel in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England
The Barns hotel in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England

If you are heading up the M1 towards Bedford at any time, take a break, have a drink and enjoy the delightful outdoor terrace at The Barns hotel overlooking the river Ouse.

If you see anything of potential interest as you browse through old photo albums, read interesting books or take photos on your daily walks, please send snippets to me [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you with your sales enquiries, your photos and your stories.

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Henley Sales and Charter Ltd have gained a reputation over the last 30 years for selling and chartering beautiful, classic boats. Experience of operating and selling boats on the river Thames enables us to offer expert objective advice to prospective owners on all aspects of boat ownership including purchase, surveys, repairs and moorings. We will do our best to find the ideal craft to suit your individual needs - for a day or for a lifetime.

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Beale Park Boatyard
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